Friday, August 13, 2010

Safe and sound in Utah

So we arrived safe and sound in Utah on Wednesday evening after our 15 hour travel day. We left our house at 430 am and arrived here in Utah at 830pm. Considering that we lost one hour due to the time change I think we did pretty darn good traveling with a newborn. Madison did AMAZING. She is such a trooper. Definitely travels well right now. She slept practically the whole time and believe it or not, she slept REALLY well that night too. Gave her tired mommy and daddy 5 straight hours of sleep. Thanks sweetheart!

We have been having a wonderful time here so far. Had a pretty busy day yesterday, but got a lot accomplished! Looking forward to another busy day today getting some lat minute preparations done for Kimber's bridal shower tomorrow!

We are so grateful for Kimber to open up her house and master bedroom to us. Definitely saving some money instead of having to stay 5 nights in a hotel. Thanks sooooo much babe! WE LOVE YOU.

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